Welcome To Lifetime Access For All The Family
Your lifetime membership is just $99 and includes:
Lifetime access to the Brainisphere 15 pillar course and program for your entire family.
Exclusive access to new lessons, videos, and expert interviews throughout the year.
Regular updates, nudges, and reminders to help you live and enjoy the Brainisphere program every day.
Lifetime access to the Brainisphere community.
And most exciting of all, as soon as it’s available you’ll have access to our free app that will make it even easier to live and breathe the Brainisphere program every moment.

One lesson At A Time

Lifetime Access

Lifetime Support

Coming Soon - The App!
The Brainisphere 15 Pillars is both a course and a lifestyle that will help get you there, and all based on understanding what the brain wants and needs, and what hurts and harms it.