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Your 7-Day Kindness Challenge

This challenge could be easier, or harder, depending on the way you think. And that’s all you’re asked to do.

Here's how it works

For each of just seven days:
Try to think only kind thoughts, all day every day.
If someone or something makes you angry or stressed, pause, take a deep breath, and think more kindly about their situtation.
If you're tough on yourself, angry or disappointed at yourself, pause, think, three reasons you should be proud of who you are.
Every person, every situation, every thing you see during the day, try to be happy for it or them.


Remember! Just thinking kind thoughts can change your mood and your brain.
Each day, just imagine how much better the world would be if everyone was kinder.
Start each day with a kind thought, to get you into kindness mode.
Don't say kind things, just think them. That's the test, the challenge, and it's all about changing your thinking.
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Then What?

Have you tried mindfulness? Mindfulness is a practice that’s not only great for mental and physical health but a great way to quietly focus each day, for a few minutes, on kind and non-judgemental thoughts.

Our lesson on mindfulness will explain more, but if you can work up to the habit of doing just 15-20 minutes of mindfulness each day, combined with healthy breathing, we think you’ll fall in love with it. And start with just five minutes.

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